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RME-6460 6U VPX 2-16 slots 9U Powered Enclosure
OpenVPX 6U 10-slot Air Over Conduction 1200 Watts / Drive Bay
VPX-6053 6U Hybrid VME64x/VPX Backplane
ATR-6800 6U 8-slot OpenVPX ATR Chassis
VPX-6216 6U VME64x on VPX Backplane
VPX-7135 6U Gen3 OpenVPX Backplane
ATR-5700 3U 6-slot VPX Air Cooled Enclosure
VPX-7136 6U Gen3 OpenVPX Backplane
DEV-4117 Hybrid VME64x/VITA46/48 VPX 5-slot Development System
VPX-7407 6U OpenVPX Backplane
DEV-4135 6U VPX 5-slot Development System
DEV-4200 3U OpenVPX up to 8-slot Development System
VPX–0354 3U 25Gbps SOSA 14.2.16 Single Slot Backplane
VPX–0557 3U 25Gbps SOSA 14.6.11 Single Slot Backplane
VPX–0650 3U 25Gbps SOSA 14.8.8 Single Slot Backplane
VPX-7997 3U VITA 65 Single Slot Backplane
DEV-4136 6U VPX 6-slot Development System
VPX-7998 6U VITA 65 Single Slot Backplane
VPX-8467 3U VITA 67.1 Single Slot Backplane
VPX-8805 6U VITA 67 Single Slot Backplane
VPX-8867 3U VITA 67.2 Single Slot Backplane
VPX-9518 3U VITA 67.3 Single Slot Backplane
VPX-2807 6U VITA 67.3C J3 & J6 with RT3 (25Gbps) connectors SOSA Single Slot Backplane
VPX-9998 3U Nano-RF Single Slot Backplane