PSD-1097 3U VITA 62.1 Single Slot Power Backplane

Power Supply Docking Board/Backplane provides all necessary features and functionality required to add a 3U power backplane to a VPX system.

PSD-1097 product datasheet


Dawn’s PSD-1097 mounts on 1 inch pitch within any 3U chassis conforming to the VITA VPX Standard. Plugin power supply docking is provided via a VITA 62.1 connector and guide pins keyed appropriately to accept AC, and studs for the main power channels PO1.

• Power connector and Studs provided for connecting power to backplane.
• Assemblies supports 3 Phase AC operation.
• Jumper options for GA and EN.
• Single Connector (J1) monitors all power, control, and communications.

• Fully assembled and tested.

For AC applications, Order P/N 06-1021097